Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Oh my god. Just some time ago, I was seduced!!!! well, maybe some will not believe it but wait till you read on....

Some time last week, I met with my group members to do project. (both of them are girls). when we were choosing the place to meet and do project, I suggested computer room, but they wanted to do it in one of their room at 9.30 am.
So on the day, I went to the block but did not go and knock on the room door as I was early. So I sent a msg to the girl to check if she is awake. She told me to just go to her room. So I went..
What greeted me was a line of bras that was hung outside the room. So I pretend not to see it.
then, I knock on the door, she answered. and.. apparently she just woke up (with wrinkled clothes and ruffled hair)
Then she went to wash face and brush teeth, asking me to use her laptop in the mean time. But she forgot to give me the pass word. So I was left bored in the room alone. In order to ease my boredom, my eyes roamed the room. My my.. more bras hanging in the room. ( I did not see them!!!!)

Then she came back and the other group member came. Project starts....

they started to get bored and chat about other things for a while. Then they came to 'how to cross legs'. And they start to demonstrate... and they were wearing extreme short pants..

Then they were lying around on bed also, I did not dare too look much cos short pants+lie on bed....

After that went for lunch, one of the girls drive. and there were stair case... and they walked in front... and when stairs are up slope... I am basically looking straight at their butt (their short pants just serves to show their butt shape, not cover it).

Then how about one of them coming near when I found some information on laptop.. and her long hair was... well.... tickling me....

some may think, I should be happy huh? sadly, they are not my type ( wanted to say they not pretty but then everyone's taste is different)

Well, I think my immuned system was put to test and I think I passed the test.

Monday, September 11, 2006

DrEaM gIrL

My Beautiful Girl,
Wherever you are,
I know when I saw you
You have opened the door
and now that I love again
until a long, long time
I love again....

I MET HER!!!! THE IDEAL GIRL !!!! (physically, have not have chance to get to know more)
oh, how my heart melts at the sight of her eyes. Those perfectly shaped eye brows. Those cute lips. Those fair skin with pink colours. Those expressions that form inside the eyes... All this in just...... 5 minutes?

Yes, just 5 minutes. I met her when I went back home last friday. After Singapore custom, I boarded a bus and sat down. Immediately, my eyes, my brain (contrary to believe, I have them), my heart, were glued to a girl sitting in the seat in front of me. And so I stare and stare and stare, not wanting to take my eyes off her for as long as I can. I just want to marvel in the beauty that nature created..

You know how time boards a ultra-super sonic aeroplane when you want it to go slow? damn the time... Damn the driver for driving so fast.. Damn the other cars for not jamming up the causeway!!!! ARGH!!!! reach JB custom liao.. sigh... with heavy hearts... I stood up and left... My heart and soul still lingering near her...

When I am a capable person.... when that days comes.. oh please come....

Thursday, September 07, 2006

time of serious study

One year ago, I cannot imagine anyone being able to stay at library for hours and hours. I was thinking that library is a very boring place with nothing much in store for me. I can get whatever information that I want online and from text books.

However, all this change. I am not sure why, but now I go to library at least 3 times per week and each time is around 2 hours. I start to like the envorinment of library, esp Library 2. the air cond (NOTE: MAIN POINT), study desk lighting and RBR.

and now I have to make playing computer games an activity that is extinct. haih... study day and night non-stop. But I have to admit that I am finding this life acceptable if not fun. For those who took further maths before, you would know the joy of doing tutorials.. The joy that you feel after you crack your head hours to solve your question, then cannot get, then try for hours again the next day... and GOT THE ANSWER!!! WAHAHAHA... Hope I don go crazy over doing tutorials... Or rather, I don become even crazier.. hahaha..

Anyway, a bit sien, my social life was bare minimum, now is even worse.. dunno how to describe it.. Well, 2 years ain't that long.. I hope (those who have 3 years more, don kill me :(.... ) I work so hard, but then I know that first class honors is very far from me.. sigh... this is demoralising... the best I can hope for is second upper, but then it is hard to get also..

Hope everyone work hard ans survive uni life.

Friday, September 01, 2006

no air-cond? yes air-cond

When a tenant signed the contract to rent the room, the landlady said that there will not be any air cond provided. What she meant was that the air cond unit is in the room but she kept the remote away from the tenant.

However, the tenant still manage to use the air-cond. Who needs a remote control to on the air-cond? As long as the main switch of the air-cond is turned on by the landlady in her room, the smart tenant can use the air-cond too.. and.. for free.... How cool is that?

However, as the landlady does not stay in the uni often, the tenant is thinking of purchasing a cooler that uses ice and water to cool down the room. The downside to the cooler is that it only lasts for 4 hours. After that more ice and water need to be added. and it costs more than S$150. Is it a good deal? hm...

movie joke

This is a conversation between a mother and a daughter.

D: Mama, papa will not allow me to go and study the course
M: It is ok darling, I will go talk to him
D: It is no use mama, he keep thinking he is the head of the house and have right to make decision...
M: Now don't you worry, he may be the head of the house, but I am the neck. I can turn the head anyway I want

Morale of story: being head is not a good thing.