Tuesday, January 09, 2007

year of bad luck

First there was the bloody Survival Modelling seminar. The 70 years old tutor managed to get almost 90% of the class to be blur/confused/blank. He contradicted himself on numerous occasion and pass off confusing parts (at least for me) with the words "you know"

Then had to do an assignment in 24hours. Just before I check the question, my computer had a performance of a total crash. Nothing can bo done to save it anymore.. poor thing.
And with no question and no computer to do the assignment, I turned to my brothers' place for divine intervention.

Well, tried to figure out what was wrong with my computer. In the process of testing, my computer burnt my brother's graphics card.
Test result:
Graphics card functional
Hard disc mildly fucntional
Power supply packs a punch to kill ppl ( OK)
for those who don't know computer, cd-rom, dvd-rom or floppy disc have nothing much to do with the main system. So did not bother checking those.

Turns out that the problem lies with mother board or CPU. Conclusion, most probably mother board is overdue.

And so, my graphics card went to my brother as compensation. What was left of my com was left there as decoration. And I took a laptop back to use. Well, it belongs to my brother's gf. Technically, still my brother's because he bought it.. hm.. ah well. Brother buying another one soon for me so I use this one temporary.

Found out that lap tops are generally much more slower and retarded compared to desk top.

I tell you, the year of 2007 is the year of bad luck. The devils are coming to wreak havoc!!!! ROAR!!!!!!!