Friday, January 12, 2007

Actuarial in NTU = suicide

Here I am at the start of a new semester. Well, students will normally have a easy start at the beginning of the semester.
However, not the case for actuarial course. Up till now (which is just the first week) I have 2 lectures that I have to switch to blur mode. Got some idea after reading many times thru Survival Modelling. As for Stochastic, it is like aids.. very deadly. Of course, you'll have the ppl in class who will still tops and do tutorial when lecture is on. Unfortunately, not me.

Seems like I always have a tendency to commit suicide. When I exercise (swimming, jogging) I tend to over-exert myself to the point of breaking. I may have gone too far in my suicide attempt this time by taking this course.
Will I be able to survive this semester? If I can, I wil survive anything. If not, it will spell disaster for me which is comparable to "The Day After Tomorrow".