Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The battle begins

Attention all personnel!!!! please report back to your stations immediately and prepare for battle!!!!
This is what my brain is telling my body everyday..
haha.. Yes!!!! it is nearing exam period and everyone around me is studying hard (at least I get the impression that they are). How can I lose out right? So must study study study...What to do? taht is our full time job whether we like it our not.. sigh..
Actually I am qutie worried about the exams bacause I have not taken this type of exam before (meaning business type). As far as I can remember, I used to take exams on science related subject and mathematics. haha.. So I have no idea how I am going to die for marketing examination... What is more, all my projects are not very impressive. I do not know why exactly..Luckily, actuarial science course involves more individual work. Furthermore, my specialisation was confirmed long ago.
The battle... will cause more reluctance to go out. Add to this the fact that I seldom go out on normal days. DO you believe that I haven't go and watch movie since the start of semester? I know of some that go out and have fun everyweek.haha... Guess I am always the weird one out.
Well, to the crazy days ahead.. I will remain crazy to live through these times..