Friday, October 12, 2007

Morning occurances. Death

It seems that I have the worst of luck in the morning to actually stumbled upon death......

I woke up relatively early in the morning (6.30am) to prepare for school.

As I was doing my morning exercise, I heard police siren which I dismissed as not important.
We had fighter jets zooming above few times a week, what is a police siren compared to that?
So I continue my preparation for school.

As I was walking towards the elavator, I spoted a police van stopping downstairs and 4 or 5 police officers got down. Now, what would require so many police officers? I was curious.

At the ground floor, I notice that there is a police cordone at a neighbouring block and I walked towards it. I can see that some residents are standing around and explaining to other people what happened which I did not bother to listen to because I could guess what happened....

There is a tent set up by the police to cover something. I saw the tent before in news. Police used it to cover dead body. Taking a quick glance around, I saw people pointing upwards. So my second guess is that someone fell down.

Then, there are only few options left in order of highest probability:
1. Suicide - possible in view of high stress environment
2. maid fell down - there were few cases of it already. Maid fell while cleaning windows
3. Murder or effect of heated argument.

I turned and walked towards bus stop. Another life lost just like that. sigh...

Recent check on news website revealed that the body is of a 8 year old girl.. So young... consequence of playfulness? sigh...