Saturday, February 03, 2007

Professor mind set?

How will you define a hard question?
Is it a question that need a clear understanding of what was taught?
or is it the professors' idea of questions that involve things that were not taught at all?

THAT is the whole problem. Ever since last semester, it is a frustrating experience when attempting to do tutorials. There will be terms, methods, relationships etc that students were not taught.

Then the professor will come happily for seminar and give a lecture. After that, he will discuss the previous tutorial of previous lecture. When he was explaining a hard question that students cannot do, he will say some things that make students feel even worse .Eg: 'eh? why you cannot do? but I just mentioned in the lecture just now.' Got the point? a tutorial which was supposed to be based on previous week's lecture, have concepts that were only taught in this week.

The worst thing is that there will always be some mysterious creature (definitely not human) who will be able to obtain a solution to the questions.

URGH!!!!! damn it. I may have to execute my own study style and quit following what others are doing... sigh.....