The feeling that will cause people to reduce effeciency.
The feeling that makes people to be in a lost of what to do.
The feeling that causes a person to be glum
All because of a movie that I watched.. haih...
the sad-love story.
korean movie 'a moment to remember'
Just great. Exams just 2 days away and I don feel like studying now..
I want to go jogging to forget that feeling. However, the slight pain from my right shoulder reminded me that I need to restrain from exercising.. haih.... I accidently pulled the muscle of my right shoulder. Not even sure how it happens. So there goes my most useful destressing method.
Well, of course I have other destressing method.
- ICE-CREAM!!!!! (got one whole box in fridge.. ok ok , maybe not whole anymore but still 80% left)
- read stories (quite effective if it is a good story. I can spend hours and hours on it, but not very wise when I am short of time, such as when exam period, which is......... now.....)
- Beer ( yes, beer. wierd thing is, beer also serves to make me awake. I thought it is the other way around. hm.. oh well, I never was normal.. hehe)
- listen to radio (starting to get bored of it since my favorite DJs are on vacation for 2 weeks.. sigh...)
trying to remember some parts of business law.. haha.. in this case, exemption clause.
Ah well, I supposed I should get back to study.. haih....