One year ago, I cannot imagine anyone being able to stay at library for hours and hours. I was thinking that library is a very boring place with nothing much in store for me. I can get whatever information that I want online and from text books.
However, all this change. I am not sure why, but now I go to library at least 3 times per week and each time is around 2 hours. I start to like the envorinment of library, esp Library 2. the air cond (NOTE: MAIN POINT), study desk lighting and RBR.
and now I have to make playing computer games an activity that is extinct. haih... study day and night non-stop. But I have to admit that I am finding this life acceptable if not fun. For those who took further maths before, you would know the joy of doing tutorials.. The joy that you feel after you crack your head hours to solve your question, then cannot get, then try for hours again the next day... and GOT THE ANSWER!!! WAHAHAHA... Hope I don go crazy over doing tutorials... Or rather, I don become even crazier.. hahaha..
Anyway, a bit sien, my social life was bare minimum, now is even worse.. dunno how to describe it.. Well, 2 years ain't that long.. I hope (those who have 3 years more, don kill me :(.... ) I work so hard, but then I know that first class honors is very far from me.. sigh... this is demoralising... the best I can hope for is second upper, but then it is hard to get also..
Hope everyone work hard ans survive uni life.