Gosh Gosh.. house mate birthday is coming up very soon. What am I to do? what to buy? oh no... hahaha.. ah well, my head nearly crack last night thinking about that. However, thanks to my careful observation of the things that I did, I manage to think of what to buy.. thanks to kee and choo, a wooden comb it will be... at least, one of the presents...
Been almost a week now staying there. Now, we (me and the other 2 girls) are more comfortable with each others' existance in the same unit. Although there are times where some things will happen. Like this morning, where I am dying to get the things in my rectum out.. unfortunately, one of the them is bathing.. oh the pain of waiting...
One of the worst things is,... I cannot go around semi naked in the unit or room now that there are girls there. Although I did do that when I stay with my brothers (their place got 2 girls share the unit also), those 2 are more like elder sister to me. Anyway, I am sure they have experienced much more than that.. haha.. With the 2 I staying with now.. hm.. they look like guai guai one.. cannot give too much shock to them... at least.. not yet.. MUAHAHAH....